by Chris Salcedo“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it on to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”
— Ronald Reagan, 40th President of the United States
Liberty Rises tells the story of an America that failed to learn that crucial lesson passed down to us by our 40th president. Former TV/Radio news anchor, current talk show host, and author, Chris Salcedo opens a window into America’s future if we don’t change course. Lovers of liberty and freedom should take heart, the spirit that built America will survive; it just might not belong to America anymore.
First published in 2012 and republished by Post Hill Press in 2018, Liberty Rises is the first novel by Chris Salcedo and explores what could happen to America if we continue down the road we are on through the eyes of protagonist Jack Vega.
Jack Vega has given everything to the United States. He’s served in its military with honor, started a successful business, and provided the U.S. with a strategic military advantage that guarantees American dominance. But there’s a problem.
In this future, America has become a mindless police state. The notions of individual liberty and freedom are now foreign. And the government uses its enormous power to squash the human spirit impose collectivist thought and diminished economic and civil freedoms.
Ever the optimist, Vega and his family and friends look to the ancient past to rekindle the fire that built the greatest nation in human history. In so doing, they discover a way to keep the light of freedom alive for the entire world. Realizing that dream will be no easy task.
Jack must fight the elements, time, and the government he once swore to protect.
Get your copy of LIBERTY RISES on Amazon by clicking here now!
“Liberty Rises is a gripping look at a world in which radical leftism reaches its logical and destructive conclusion. America needs to wake up before it’s too late to reverse course and before this stunning work of fiction turns into a dark reality.”
– Monica Crowley